Disclosure - Magnets ft. Lorde (Video)

September 30, 2015

If there's any doubt about what Lorde means by "the point of no return" in Disclosure's brand new "Magnets," the video makes at least one option very clear. The time for summer lovin' may be gone, but Disclosure and Lorde are still very in tune with the kind of love that pulls you in like a magnet...see what they did there?

Disclosure's video features Lorde, the man of her choosing (and another woman's, too), and their steamy affair on the streets of LA. For the video's protagonist, and from the sound of Lorde's lyrics, there's still time to let alcohol and physical chemistry lead to bad decisions, even though the summer has finally come to a close. According to "Magnets," though, who says letting sexual desire drive you to cheating is bad?

Shanna Gibbs writes stuff, watches Netflix and dreams about her triumphant return to New York. And she's on Twitter: @BananaintheCity.