Double Duchess ft. TT The Artist - All Eyes on Me (Video)

July 29, 2015

It's difficult not to follow directions when watching the new Double Duchess video for "All Eyes on Me." Perfectly synced with the music behind the track, the video features the duo flaunting exactly who they are in a nightclub and sits poised to be an anthem for any and all individuals with a unique sense of self.

With simple hook lyrics, "All Eyes on Me" is an assertion of confidence from a group of society with more victories than losses to celebrate as of late. There's no doubting that Double Duchess thrive on attention and are absolutely content with who they are, which, like this video and track, is nothing short of fabulous.

Shanna Gibbs writes stuff, watches Netflix and dreams about her triumphant return to New York. And she's on Twitter: @BananaintheCity.