Fox Stevenson - Comeback (Video)

November 11, 2015

Fox Stevenson's new video for "Comeback" starts just as fast and furiously as the song itself, setting the scene for imagery that matches the track's message to a T. "Comeback" cuts in with no introduction, and Stevenson's video features him jumping from his bed so quickly that it takes a moment to realize that's even where he was. What is clear is that he's in a hurry to escape, likely because "we've been waiting too long, and it's taken too much of our time."

Stevenson's just set an issue most of us struggle with to music, which might explain the popularity he's enjoyed with this track. Many, if not all, of us know the grind it is to get up and go to work, often at jobs we don't like, each morning, with hopes that someday the legwork will pay off. Maybe we're not scrubbing down counters or being manhandled, but the popularity of EDM in itself proves that there's a dire need to let off some steam and get lost in the music. Stevenson's created a track for us to do just that and offered a brief explanation with his video. At the end of the day, we do have to keep up the struggle, whether we're making beats in our basements or keeping time in a cubicle. But for these 3.5 minutes, it's easy to believe we're "never gonna come back."

Shanna Gibbs writes stuff, watches Netflix and dreams about her triumphant return to New York. And she's on Twitter: @BananaintheCity.