Grimes - Flesh Without Blood / Life in the Vivid Dream (Video)

October 28, 2015

 The week before Halloween was the perfect release date for "Flesh Without Blood / Life in the Vivid Dream," Grimes' new release from the upcoming Art Angels album. Shrouded in mystery and peppered by numerous costumes (including angels, of course) from the weirdest dress-up box we've seen, the video for "Flesh Without Blood / Life in the Vivid Dream" serves as a wake-up call and sweet request from the self-proclaimed "wizard rock" artist.

From angel wings to Victorian dresses to tutus and more, the costumes just keep coming while Grimes lays it all on the table in regards to a relationship gone awry. No matter what she's wearing or where she finds herself, the message remains the same, "If you don't need me, just let me go." More than a few of us could stand to embrace that idea, and maybe if we can follow Grimes' lead, we'll all find ourselves a little happier.

Shanna Gibbs writes stuff, watches Netflix and dreams about her triumphant return to New York. And she's on Twitter: @BananaintheCity.