The Delay in the Universal Loop - I'm Turning in the Wholeness (Video)

August 26, 2015

It may start out as a soundtrack for an optimistic walk through a field, but The Delay in the Universal Loop's "I'm Turning in the Wholeness" is far from the typical frolicking song. And its video has quite a unique personality as well. For fans of The Knife, Crystal Castles and the like, The Delay in the Universal Loop provides a new addition to a beautiful family, complete with a borderline psychedelic video to accompany the producer's newest release.

"I'm Turning in the Wholeness" has an undeniable video game vibe, and the song's video embraces this wholeheartedly, though aside from the score, life tracker and "Destroying Pwr" meter, these graphics are unlike any video game I've seen. In fact, it seems more like the graphic representation of the realization that we HAVE stepped into a video game accompanied by The Delay in the Universal Loop. Anything can happen in a video game, and it isn't a far stretch to believe the same about the video for "I'm Turning in the Wholeness."

Shanna Gibbs writes stuff, watches Netflix and dreams about her triumphant return to New York. And she's on Twitter: @BananaintheCity.