ATLANTA, GA. | 0 Followers
I once tried to get a job at a record store near the neighborhood I grew up in. I was about 12 or 13 years of age. I told the owner I could DJ. Lying through my two front teeth and she knew it too, so I came clean rite then and there. I didn't get the job and to add insult to injury my mom made me return...
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I once tried to get a job at a record store near the neighborhood I grew up in. I was about 12 or 13 years of age. I told the owner I could DJ. Lying through my two front teeth and she knew it too, so I came clean rite then and there. I didn't get the job and to add insult to injury my mom made me return the album I originally went into the store to buy. Reason being I was too young to be listening to music with profanity. I've always had love for music of all kinds. My favorites are hip hop and r&b of course. My best friends as a kid would make fun of me because we would go to the malls on the weekends and they would spend thier money on clothes but me on the other hand would buy nothing but music. I guess the point I'm trying to make is the day I was trying to impress the owner of the store by telling her a lie I was really telling her the truth! "I always tell the truth. Even when I lie!" -Tony Montana
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