zipDJ vs Digital DJ Pool

Digital DJ Pool is a simple and cheaper zipDJ alternative

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Don’t know which record pool to choose?

We want to make the decision as easy as possible, so we’ve put together some info that’ll help you decide which DJ Pool is best for you. Below, you'll find information to help you compare Digital DJ Pool and zipDJ, including features, customer experiences, pricing and thoughts from current Digital DJ Pool customers who are already in.

We hope this helps!

Profit from the best price-performance ratio.

Compare Digital DJ Pool vs zipDJ

Price $10/month $50/month
DJ Network Yes No
Mobile App Yes No
Daily Charts Yes No
Updates Daily Daily
Song quality 320 kbps 320 kbps

An affordable record pool

Digital DJ Pool offers the lowest price on the market.

Other pools require as much as $90 up front to join. You can start your Digital DJ Pool membership with unlimited downloads for just $10 per month.

Monthly subscription

  • Record pool
  • DJ network
  • Mobile app
  • Cancel at any time

Cancel at any time.

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Easy monthly paying

Try it risk-free. You can cancel at any time.

Get started
“I'm constantly on the road touring & performing at nightclubs. Digital DJ Pool has always been my go to music source for the hottest and latest music from hip-hop to pop.“


Always up-to-date

Digital DJ Pool provides daily updated charts and trending pages.

Unlike other record pools, Digital DJ Pool feeds you with new tracks every day. Our charts and trending pages are updated daily and full of new music every day.

More than you were looking for

Select from a huge variety of songs.

Digital DJ Pool offers a selection which is like no other. Find every version you need in more than 40 genres - intros, clean, acapellas, dirty, remixes - and get song mixing suggestions to each song. Digital DJ Pool offers super useful DJ Tools to support you with creating great mixes.

From DJs for DJs

New curated and hand-picked selections every week.

We hand pick hits and build crates filled with must-haves, that you can download with a single click.

Keep in touch with others

The only record pool that's also a network.

  • Follow DJs, labels and artists you love
  • Create a personalized feed of music
  • Get notifications if there is something new in your network

Industry leading customer support

24/7 support via live-chat, email, social media and a big knowledge base

Digital DJ Pool’s Knowledge Base provides answers to frequently asked questions 24/7. But we’re also here for you with personal support, all day, every day, via live-chat, email and social media, no matter what you need.

Save time and money while creating great sets

Digital DJ Pool has the most user friendly interface on the web and our mobile apps.

  • Find tracks, artists and labels fast and easy
  • Download whole crates or just single files
  • Discover featured DJs and labels
  • Build crates and save them for later with our mobile app

What our customers say

Digital DJ Pool has a huge catalog of multiple genres & remixes that I use for my syndicated "Hot Spot" radio show & Clubs worldwide!!!


San Diego, CA

Monthly subscription

  • Record pool
  • DJ network
  • Mobile app
  • Cancel at any time

Cancel at any time.

Get started

"It can be hard to stay on top of new music. Digital DJ Pool helps me stay current and keeps me on top of my game."

Mr Collipark