Everytime They See by Tyme ft Sauce & Youngin Download

Everytime They See

Tyme ft Sauce & Youngin

Uploaded by DJ Big Chaplin Monday, April 13, 2015
Genre Hip-Hop
BPM 98
Key 2m
Length 00:04:17
File MP3
Bitrate 320 kbps


CEO/Founder of Serious Records [Charles Lester] it was my clear vision of his mission why Serious Records is making a strong impact to releasing powerful good music that you’ve never heard before. Adding a great mixture of Gospel, Hip-Hop, & R&B. Serious Record is all about being positive, by releasing positive good music without using crime, drugs, & violence as selling points. Planning to create a new music lane & vision that will grab the attention of the ages from elementary, middle, high school, & college students. The movement is called “The Next Generation Of Good News Music” Great vibes that our peers from all ages will enjoy. We are changing the world, one song & one day at a time! Charles Lester CEO/Founder says his Non-profit organization will mentor the youth, and his destiny will be to train them to help give them a chance to get off the streets & positive outlook on life. And with that everyone can achieve their goals having a chance in the music industry.

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