Mlk Happy Birthday by Sincere Nokwaree Download

Mlk Happy Birthday

Sincere Nokwaree

Uploaded by Sincere Nokwaree Thursday, January 11, 2018
Genre R&B
BPM 58
Key 5A
Length 00:04:26
File MP3
Bitrate 320 kbps


In celebration of Martin Luther King and the great work that he and a host of unknown heroes have done for the U.S. and the world in moving humanity towards equality for all, this record is a tribute to that work as the USA celebrate Dr. King's Earth day and legacy. This record also gives homage to the living legend Stevie Wonder, as I was inspired to create my version of Happy Birthday! Available world wide soon!!! Enjoy! note: this is a great record to mash up with Dr. Kings speeches and other fly'ins.

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